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frida.and Nicole heic

Our Story

Helping one person at a time.

As part of the foundation's mission, free  Hair Care, Skin Care services and  beauty products are provided to cancer patients who are experiencing hair loss  and going through  cancer treatment. The services we offer include  hair loss solutions, hair extensions and hairpieces, facials along with cosmetics for healthy skin and hair. The foundation is presently providing these services to cancer patients. 

A second purpose of the foundation is to raise funds for scholarships to help students pursue beauty education and provide the services offered by the foundation. FOUNDATION is a public charity 501(c).
The Zorganics Institute oped in 2018 and received accreditation in 2021 from NACCAS, the nationwide beauty school accreditation services. ZORGANICS is a brand of cosmetics and have  been involved in the production of natural and organic beauty products since 2007.

Cancer patients schedule your appointment here

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